Friday, September 25, 2009

Seperate your money business and monkey business

This week I learnt that money verses monkey business are worlds you literally have to have two different characters for.Whether you work together or not.

Be it your friend or partner or even family member. In the the boardroom or even office space you need to take the road less driven on and say what you need to say to save the business or persons interest. The shocking bit about that is that you are saving that person in many ways. Save them with honesty, integrity but mostly love, patience and tender care. Explain well and leave the decision to them, don't force them.

The principal here is that you are respected in and out of these characters. You are also trusted because your characters are trust worthy and humble. My example is a person I am extremely close to has been blogging but because they are not internet savvy it has proved the idea pointless and dry to be honest. So I said in passing that they were speaking to me like they did in their blogg-it doesn't make sence! I got a confused face as a response so I explained my take on this masterpiece in the making and how it can work for them and from a business point of view. A week later the blog had improved and hits and comments had doubled in numbers. But it was how I approached it, and how I put it. Yes we where in conversation about our lives and other things but I loved this person too much to watch them and say nothing.

Separating the two is important and allowing the person to go and think about your point of view is good. The best though is not to force it. But do not allow monkey business and money business to be driven by the same character, you need an alter ego!

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