Thursday, April 23, 2015

I am a Phoenix

Just yesterday I was admiring how the screen directors of the Harry Potter movie were able to depict the phoenix. The awe I got when I understood what it looked like to have this animal explode into nothing and up from the ashes. We all have those moments. When life explodes and up from the dirt one has to dust oneself up and go.

I was trapped in one of my dark and hard places. Where I don’t want to see or interact with anyone. Luckily I have friends; my friends made it their effort that as much as depression had sucked me in, I had to keep breathing. Every time they called I was either dragging my body around waiting for the day to end or I was sleeping. I hid in the flat and I slept so much my bones started to ache. I didn’t want to open the curtains to see daylight. Because that meant people were going at their dreams and I was the only one defeated in life. I sat there with no ambition or goal to even live.

Then I realised that as the days went by I keep betraying the driven woman in me and placing the weak woman first. The weak me needed to pack her bags and leave. I know that there are plenty commitments that had me drained. But also feeling like there was no actual value I was adding to people around me in the spaces I am placed in, started to choke the very essence of me. I yearned for the heavy blanket of worthlessness to fall off and for the real me to enjoy the sunlight that is my calling in life. I wanted for so long to be one with it. A friend of mine was saying to me but you looked like you were having a blast on Social Media. I think as human beings we can fake so well on Social Media that people assume it’s the real deal. Social Media is not the real thing. It’s selling a fairytale for most people. So while I sold my story those around me, lapped it up like a thirsty dog drinking water on a hot day.

The reason for this blog post is to say, one doesn’t need to stay down for too long. I was always sure that my dark whole would have to change soon. I knew that there bills to be paid and life had to resume and the only way I could press the resume button was to change something around me, so I went out and bought new linen. There it was, my little change was my emancipation.


  1. Great post Mbali. I hope it reaches the many eyes and ears that could find comfort in reading it.
