Friday, May 25, 2012

Weapons of mass deception!

You would think woman will stick together and stand up to fellow woman oppression instead I’m afraid this is rather the contrary. One day I will have to explain this to my sister and daughter how we sell our sisters’ souls to the very enemy. We trade them off for what I can’t really care to discuss.

As woman we love to exude that we have each other’s backs but we don’t. The fuel of this debacle is what I refer to as weapons of mass deception, men, that we constantly want to claim as our very own. Ever heard a woman, that’s not married mind you, using the term ‘my man’ almost like a lioness marking her territory, and the Lion looking at her without a care because it is not her role to be playing. Owning a person is slavery really.  However I experienced something once where this woman failed to confront me about her lack of approval of me asking her questions of her acquaintance with a gentleman we both happened to know.

Now let’s remove the fact that this guy friend of mine defended her solid because that’s another debate, why did she fail to approach me about it? Does this not show that the sisterhood pact goes out the window the minute a male counterpart enters the subject of debate. Please let me make it clear that I am not talking about a teenage woman but rather a grown woman. Whatever she said to my friend it got him jumping to her defence. She on the other hand has tarnished her first impression she made to me. Knowing myself very well I know that as I type this I no longer hold any resentment but rather I feel sorry for what other woman might go through. What my daughter, that I have yet to conceive one day, will have to go through shocks me.

The war continues and we will be easily deceived because we ourselves have no backbones .We are highly insecure, sadly as a gender. I pray my daughter will never take this lying down because I for one sure didn’t and my guy friend knows this to be true.

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