Friday, September 25, 2009

Seperate your money business and monkey business

This week I learnt that money verses monkey business are worlds you literally have to have two different characters for.Whether you work together or not.

Be it your friend or partner or even family member. In the the boardroom or even office space you need to take the road less driven on and say what you need to say to save the business or persons interest. The shocking bit about that is that you are saving that person in many ways. Save them with honesty, integrity but mostly love, patience and tender care. Explain well and leave the decision to them, don't force them.

The principal here is that you are respected in and out of these characters. You are also trusted because your characters are trust worthy and humble. My example is a person I am extremely close to has been blogging but because they are not internet savvy it has proved the idea pointless and dry to be honest. So I said in passing that they were speaking to me like they did in their blogg-it doesn't make sence! I got a confused face as a response so I explained my take on this masterpiece in the making and how it can work for them and from a business point of view. A week later the blog had improved and hits and comments had doubled in numbers. But it was how I approached it, and how I put it. Yes we where in conversation about our lives and other things but I loved this person too much to watch them and say nothing.

Separating the two is important and allowing the person to go and think about your point of view is good. The best though is not to force it. But do not allow monkey business and money business to be driven by the same character, you need an alter ego!

Monday, September 21, 2009

2009 is my time to shine!

A friend reminded us all on facebook that there are three months left of the year. Really? Yes, really and we headed to the end so what have you done? You will ask this question and give all kinds of excuses. Maybe you met the years target are maybe you did not. You were meant to have married your dream spouse or something so you will sit and list all the bad.But not I!

This year I became strong. I said goodbye to people this year. Bad trends and good trends but I am truthfully living the way I should. This year I chose to stay with my family. I chose to face the music of my failures and so that this time this year I would be dancing to the chune of my success .I chose to compose my own musical composition and give me some healing time. And trust me when I say I am hearing the sound it's getting nearer and nearer. I chose to listen to my elders. Read the papers and trusted that God was speaking to me through all mediums of media and his people. I was learning from even little children in my family,they taught me how to laugh again. I learnt to forgive myself and my enemies. I learnt to give of my time and do things for others. I learnt the greatest lesson I believe this year I learnt how to Love unconditionally,with no terms and no conditions. This year I got introduced to a phenomenal woman I got introduced to Mbali Ndlovu, she lives in my body she is Me!

So as you list all the bad please take time for yourself and give yourself a pat on the back and tell of the good you got this year, and say 2009 was my year to shine!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Breathe Easy Lovers'

Breathe easy lovers'- I am listening to this song and the lines "breathe easy lovers' " came on. Made me think, just yesterday I was planning a high tea for a friend. The reason for this is that we have not been together in a while. Basically we need each other is needed. The times we share to spare the wealth of knowledge or even humor are needed.

Too often we have busy lives from work to other ventures and so forth. Aspiring to have possessions that people can see but seldom do we nurture the soul. Seldom do we connect with the right energies or even give people the space to feed of ourselves.Somewhere along the line our spirits are well and therefore give it to those who are without.

Another moment was when I was helping host a ladies day for female prison wardens. These ladies have been giving all day, everyday to people society wants nothing to do with. Some ladies have responsibilities at home and also at work.The pressure is there but they go on and do their job none the less. Those ladies needed that day off to be spiritually enriched and thank God they got it.

The best given gifts are those that do not have a huge price tag but spiritual enliftment. My best birthday has been around people and people having planned it for me. I felt like these people care they gave their time and love for one night. That was my 21st birthday. So breathe easy lovers' and give a little. Especially to those who don't have it at the time.

Monday, September 14, 2009

his majesty has smiled upon me!LOL i love this man!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Visibility and the creation and stimulation of visibility is phenomenal in this day and age. People fight to be seen, heard, touched a sense of presence throughout all platforms of life. I read somewhere that in order for this lady to be her role in the sector she was in, she dressed the part everyday making sure she looked the part every time she took to the streets .

People are stimulated by what they see. They say you are never given a second chance on first impressions so do it right the first time. Now with social networks, pictures and text content needs to be on par with that demonstration. A friend once said it's funny how on facebook one never shows the bad pictures or times when they are sad or crying. True because we do not thrive on the mortifying material we aspire to be better with every time. So in every social network it's to impress on others the positive and favored side. Be it business, socialising or visualising.

The human psyche has taught us to portray the great selves, and that we do. There will only be a few that will be allowed to see your other dark defeated self. Basically we should all continue to do good and show good. Not to our detriment of course, but rather to the journey towards the good life. Even if your "good life" is saving elephants in some African poverty stricken country do it. Portray it on the networks and who knows you might find another like you or someone who may help you. But this can only happen when you are the true you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Vukukhanye-arise and shine

It happens to be the NGO I am working with to make this world and my local community a safe enviroment. I do however want to take it on and say it shall be my mantra -Vukukhanye- arise and shine Mbali.

Being in the community and having some benefits from my education I feel it best to give back .When I was growing up I heard people use that alot. Once you are in the comfort that I am in where you ask for nothing more but to do that which betters people around you, you find this kind of job enthralling. It may be little compared to the works of the greats such as Nelson Mandela and Oprah Winfrey but one day at a time and one day we shall look back and say we are glad to have impacted a few lives.

My message is "vukukhanye" for someone or persons in your community. Try where you can in some way. It will be benefiting to carry the legacy with a zulu say- "Izandla ziyagezana" which means hands wash each other. Be grateful for what you have and lets share it. This is close to my heart because a man decided he would educate me so my future would be bright. I bet he prayed for all his children(6 plus my sister and me) that we would do what he did for another so that ,this legacy, his legacy would continue in the world where ever we may be. "Be the change you want to see in the world"-Mahatma Ghandi